Heavy Oil Desalters & Oil Dehydrators
Desalters & Electrostatic Oil Dehydrators remove salt & water from oil prior to refinery and pumping operations to reduce corrosion and unnecessary pumping of water. AMR Process designs Heavy Oil Desalters, Oil Dehydrators & Heater Treaters utilizing our proprietary AC-Plus® Technology.
Heavy Oil makes up over 60% of the world reserves. Heavy Oil does not act in the same way as medium/light oils. Heavy Oil has stabilized emulsions, high water contents, conductive oil, long chain hydrocarbons, and many other impurities that impede coalescence of water molecules using traditional AC/DC electrostatic technologies. Desalting & dehydration of heavy oils cannot be processed with the same AC/DC electrostatic technology as applied to normal oil. Heavy oil needs to be processed with alternative, high efficiency, proven technology.
AMR Process AC-Plus® electrostatic heavy oil technology has been proven in extremely difficult heavy oil applications. Instead of trying to move water molecules using an AC/DC field, AMR Process AC-Plus® electrostatic technologies uses an extensive vibration method which breaks down emulsions. Additionally the AC-Plus® technology does not rely on electrical gradients, eliminating the conductive issues experienced with AC/DC systems. AMR Process AC-Plus® electrostatic heavy oil technology has processed down to 12 API oil without blending.
Retrofit your existing problematic AC/DC electrostatic technology with AMR Process AC-Plus® heavy oil technology to reduce blending, reduce chemicals, improve oil specifications and eliminate operating issues, experienced with other existing AC/DC electrostatic technology.
Emulsion Breaking, High Water AC-Plus® Heavy Oil Technology Desaltors & Oil Dehydrators
Electrostatic, high voltage dehydration / desalting technology, applied to problematic heavy and conductive oil.
AC-Plus® technology utilizing AC field.
Emulsion breaking.
High water content processing.
Variable high voltage outputs for flexibility of oil operation.
Vertical flow, advanced, single grid technology requiring 50-66% less power requirements than older double/triple grids.
Optional AC-Tri® balanced electrical loads.
Supplied with Dual-Lock® high voltage bushings as standard.